Monday, July 14, 2008

Ok, So I'm Not a Doctor-Don't Sue Me

Well last you heard we thought Alexandra was teething. She had all the symptoms, so we thought. Lastnight after we got home from Nana and Paw-Paw Thayers, I noticed she had several blister like bumps on her feet. Now I noticed these bumps earlier Saturday but there were only two, so I assumed she got them from walking around barefoot or from her shoes. Well lastnight they spread. More were appearing on her bottoms and tops of her feet and on her finger. I had no clue what was the cause of them. We went to bed. Doug had a normal morning with her. I made an appointment with the dr for Monday afternoon. I called daycare to advise and we starting discussing the bumps. Melissa advises me she thinks and is almost 100% sure she has the hand, foot, mouth virus. I have heard of this a few times but thought one got it from being dirty (dont know where I heard this). But she comforted me advising it can be caught from anywhere, anyone or anything. Kids can put things in their mouths, be around another kid who has it or even be in the grocery store and pick it up. And its also very contagious. So I had to leave work and pick her up. I noticed too that all the toys in daycare were outside being washed. Great-"Mother of the Year" here! Give me that trophy! Im getting all the other kids infected!
I got her into the doctor early and verified Melissa was correct. Nothing really can be done except make her comfortable because the blisters hurt. We have to let it take its course. Because she doesnt have a fever, which was gone Sunday morning, she is not contagious. So theres a plus, we didnt infect the other kids at daycare. So now she is napping while I hang out at home. Now its time to make some calls and send some emails to the parents of children she played with starting last Thursday.....
And Im returning the "Mother of the Year" award. But don't go too far with it, Im sure I will earn it again down the road.

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