Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Time to a Play

A couple of weekends ago Grandma Olivia took Alexandra to Beef and Boards to watch Aladdin the play. They me up with a friend Kathy and her 2 kids Isabelle and Brian. Alex is just a few months older than Isabelle. From what Alex tells me she has a new friend now. Alex is also excited to go see The Little Mermaid once that shows starts. Here are a few photos:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Green Thumb Here

Who doesn't love the warm weather? I sure do. I love it so much that I got the itch to plant flowers last weekend. Usually I wait till May but I really had that annoying itch that had only one cure. I decided to plant only in the pots on the porches, allowing me to plant more flowers around the yard later. In the mean time I will care for the sprouting plants all over my yard. My plants this year seem to be extra healthy. Some of them have doubled, if not tripled in size. Im especially excited about my clematis' planted in the corner of our back yard. I am training them to grow along the fence. Last year I had about 10 flowers total during the summer. This year the plant is growing so fast. And I cant keep up counting all the buds getting ready to open. I only have a couple of pictures of the pots on the back porch. But give me time I will add more.

More pictures to come soon!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

It was perfect weather for Easter this year. Glad the rain and cold temps were the Saturday before Easter. We spent our Easter at Grandma Olivia's with Nana and PawPaw as well. After lunch Alex searched for hidden eggs. We also flew mini kites the Easter bunny left in our baskets.
The photos are backwards. Easter Eve is at the bottom, going up to Easter afternoon. I didnt notice it until after I typed the captions.

PawPaw and Alex eating desserts.

Yummy sheep cake made by Grandma Olivia

Bubbles with Daddy

Blowing bubbles with Grandma Olivia

More bubbles!

Mommy with her mini butterfly kite

Daddy testing out his lil airplane kite. Notice he is walking backwards...well as he continued to walk backwards he ended up falling over that smaller electrical box. It was hilarious! Though I promised I wouldnt post any pictures of the fall.

Found one!

Love this picture!


On the hunt for eggs at home

Touch of glitter!

Time to color eggs!