Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This Kid Cracks Me Up!

So Alex has been saying some pretty funny things. I try to remember to write them down, but tend to find myself hearing her when I dont have a pen and paper. So going by memory (what lil I have)...
She comes home from school one day telling me she has a pink eye because her friend at school went home with pink eye. She continues to tell us her eye is pink.
She comes home from school one day telling me her tooth is gone. She continues to tell us randomly out of the blue "I have, I have, I have to find my tooth. Its gone". Her friend lost a tooth at school.
She comes home from school yesterday telling me her friends arm is broke. He fell down the stairs. I asked her what happened.
Alex: "(Insert kids name here) bwoke him arm. He fell down stairs at him home"
Me: "Oh he did? Is he okay"
Alex: (in a sad but high tone) "Yeeeeeaaa...he bwoke it. He bwoke him arm. My arm bwoke."
Me: "Your arm is not broke. You didnt fall down"
Alex: "My arm bwoke, Momma"

Notice a pattern? Yes, whatever kids at school are experiencing, she is experiencing, so she wishes.

One Friday evening she asks me if she can stay home with me tomorrow. I tell her "Tomorrow and Sunday you and I will hang out all day. You dont have to go to school."
Now she tells us "I want to go to Princess Castle 'morrow and Sunday" "I want eat icecream 'morrow and Sunday" "I want to play with my fwiends 'morrow and Sunday" "I want to go to the doctor 'morrow and Sunday" ... and the list goes on...

If she sees kids playing outside:
Alex: "Them my fwiends and my fwiends love me".
Me: "Oh really. What are their names?"
Alex: "Sam and Missy and Poopey-Butt and Butt-crack (she then giggles)"
Me: "Those are not their names silly"
Alex: "Yes they are. Them my fwiends. I need, I need, I need to go see them. They want to play with me"

When excelerating in the car, she will ask "Momma are we wacing?". She thinks I am racing another car. And now her new game in the car is to yell the color of the light at the intersection..sometimes she will tell me the light turned green when it really hasnt yet, just so I will excelerate so she can then ask "Momma are we wacing?"

In the car we like to sing to songs on the radio. The song by Black Eyed Peas called "Imabe" is my newest favorite. Alex things they are saying "Bumblebee". At the end of the song when the guys voice is getting lower, Alex will sing "Bumblebee" in her lowest voice. If I dont sing the song in the correct tone, she will say "No Momma, sing like this...Bumblebee Bumblebee".

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