Friday, March 19, 2010


If some remember a couple of years ago we grew caterpillars that eventually turned into butterflies. We released them in the back yard. Last year we had two tadpoles that never turned into frogs. Keeping them for a year, they were released into our pond. This year we have ordered praying mantises! Im so excited. The praying mantis kit should be arriving within 2 weeks with an egg case that contains 75-200 growing eggs and a netted house. Praying Mantis has moved from my second favorite bug to first favorite bug, taking the place of the lady bug.
Ill keep you posted on our praying mantis babies!


  1. you need to ask your dad about praying manttis and what happened in his bedroom.

    aunt chris

  2. Yes!! I remember the story. He told me years ago. He found an egg pouch, Grandma told him to take it outside, he didnt and 100's and 100's of baby praying mantises hatched all over his room. Grandma made him stay home from school and clean them out. HAHAHA

  3. she was so worried the police where going to find out. because she had all those ki;;ed and they where protected by law. it was funny/
