Sunday, October 26, 2008

Punk-in Patch!

So it is Sunday evening and the lack of sleep over the weekend has caught up with me. Friday night my dad took Alexandra to spend the night with him. Alex, Papaw, Me-Maw and Ethan went to the Whitewater Valley Railroad in Connersville. There they rode a train to a pumpkin patch. Doug and I went birthday shopping for her and out to dinner. Saturday we didnt sleep in much as we had a few errands to run before Alex came home. Saturday evening Doug and I went to Tom's Halloween party. We had plans to dress up as gangsters. Doug had a costume that had a mask and blow up shoulders to make him look beefy and muscular. Yea, well while putting air into the shoulders, it blew up. He tried wearing the outfit without the shoulders but the jacket was so big and the mask didnt fit well. So he didnt end up dressing up. But I did dress up as a mafia chick. We stayed at Toms with a few friends till about 2:30 in the morning. Sunday we woke up and went to Watermans Fall Festival where we rode horses, went on a hay ride, and picked pumpkins in a pumpkin patch. When we got home and put Alex to bed for her nap, Doug and I fell asleep for a nap. Doug is now at his softball games while Alex and watch Dora and start to wrap up the weekend.
I thought I got enough sleep over the weekend, but apparently not. After I woke up from a nap, only because Alex woke up, I have been struggling to stay awake. I am so ready to take a bath and go to bed. I hope Alex wants to go to bed early.

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