Sunday, November 18, 2007

Not so happy birthday

Alex turned 1 year old Nov 16th. Who ever knew this would be such a terrible first birthday for her. It started Wed afternoon when the babysitter called Doug to tell him Alex had a very high fever after naptime. He picked her up and took her home where she dropped her fever by one degree. That evening we were home with her and she acted perfectly normal except she had a high fever. Now this is her first fever ever. So I was extremely worried because we had never dealt with this before. Thursday I stayed home with her and was able to get her fever to break in the early afternoon. Around 8ish that evening she started to break out in a terrible blotchy rash. We called the emergency line for the dr and was advised she had roseola. I had heard of it before because my friend Jennifer's son Zach had it. It was no longer contagious since her fever had broke. She would get rid of the rash in a few days. Okay so now we were worried she would have a rash on her birthday and at her party. I can deal with that. She went to the sitter on Friday and by 2pm I received a call advising her rash was worse and on her face, swelling her left eye. I rushed her to the dr. After the dr checked her out she determined that she had a different virus (dont even ask what it was called because it was such a long name). The rash causes large and small red patches all over. Well it sure did. All we could do was give her medicine for her uncomfortableness and benedryl for the swelling. Plans for the party were still a go. By saturday morning, we woke up to her having purple hands and feet. The on-call dr recommended we take her to the immediate care to check it out. We did and they determined that she was so swollen and the rash was so bad, it was turning purple. Her blood was circulating just fine, we would just have to deal with it. We decided to cancel the party because she was so cranky and uncomfortable from itching. She wasnt napping well and would be handful during her party. Saturday and today, Sunday, we are trying our hardest to help her out with the itchiness, giving her medicines and also oatmeal baths. Of course everything is temporary. She is very cranky and cries all the time. Not the baby we know. We never have had to deal with something like this. Doug and I are so stressed and worried, we arent eating or sleeping well. And neither is Alex. We are hoping she gets well enough for a party next weekend.

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