Monday, December 8, 2008


So this morning I woke to a very upset stomach. I debated going to work, but went on in. Well the whole time driving from the southside to the northside I thought I was going to puke. The state trooper me and three other vehicles followed the whole way cwouldnt go over 60mph. I even contemplated on turning around at a few exits. I made it to work, started my day trying to get my mind off my upset stomach. Before I had left I had told Doug I wasnt feeling well so didnt give him a good bye kiss. Later in the morning he told me he wasnt feel well either. So now Im thinking we have the flu or ate something bad. We had a great homemade meatloaf with potatoes and carrots. And it tasted even better this time. By 11am I could not focus anymore on work and decided to go home. I met Doug in the warm comfy bed where we both tried to nap. Why is it when your not thinking about sleep, you are so exhausted, have a hard time keeping your eyes open but when you lay down in bed you cant fall asleep? Yea well that was me. So for the rest of the day we laid in bed, watching tv until we had to get Alex from daycare. And of course Miss Alex was doing very well and had normal bowle movements...Sunday night she had diarhea, so we were worried she had caught something as well.
Well Im about to head off the bed, joining Doug. Alex went to bed early tonight only because we made her. Im starting to feel better, have even eaten some dry cereal. I had not eaten anything all day, so this was a good start. Im thinking everything will be better tomorrow. And Ill be back at work...yay!

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