Yesterday Alex and I were using the left over bread from dinner to feed the fish. Throwing the bread into the pond and then suddenly a turtle comes to the top of the water and eats the bread. This guy gets brave enough to even come to the bank and eat the bread on the side. So I put together a quick plan to catch him. Whispering to Alex I tell her shes going to "help" me catch him. As she is holding the bowl of bread (Great help Alex!) I throw more bread into the water, get him closer and closer, croutching down next to the water I wait for him. He grabs another piece of bread, turns around and eats it under the water. I stick my hands in the water and out comes a turtle. How exciting! No need to waste money on fishing line and bait! Just use your hands.
I ask Alex what she wants to name this turtle. "Daddy!" she exclaims. "Hhhmmm...How about Fred?" I question her. And she agrees. We take a few pictures, show the neighbor and release him back into the pond. And of course I tease Doug about how good of a fisherman I am and now have to prove to him I did in fact catch him with my bare hands.

Alex feeding Fred.

"Fred, my lil buddy. We have to show up Doug one more time. So when you see me out there with more bread, just work with me again."

"Bye Fred! See you soon!"
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