Ok so I havent updated in a while. Oops. So whats going on in the Thayer household? Things are pretty much the same. We get up, go to work and school, come home, eat dinner, play, baths and back to bed to start all over again. We are starting to plan the upcoming events which are just right around the corner. Im always planning about a month ahead for Halloween. This year Alex chose to be Tinkerbell or as she says it "Pink-a-bell". Costume is bought, shoes are bought, just one more accessory and she will be ready. Of course Mommy and Daddy are planning to dress up for an adult Halloween party we are attending for the second year at Tom and Annette's house. My idea: Principal and naughty school girl. This should be fun.
November is always busy. We have Aunt Tippy's bday, Alexandra's bday, my bday and Thanksgiving. I think I am going to take charge again and have Thanksgiving at our house. I had a great time last year with our friends and family joining us. We will not only be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday but we will also celebrate my birthday. Kill two birds with one stone. And I get to make my Chocolate Eclair cake.. officially my favorite cake.
And of course there is Christmas. Every year I always get so stressed out. I get depressed when I see the decorations in stores so soon. I bum myself out yet I love this time of the year. I keep telling myself I will not be like that this year. We will see.
So updates for Ms Alex or as she will remind you "Ima Princess"... we are still working on potty training. Its not 100% in full effect, but she is doing well. She continues to stay dry all day at school. They have told me twice now they feel she is ready for the big girl underwear during the day. I think next week we just might start that. Ill start buying laundry detergent in bulk to prepare myself. She continues to have less interest for the big girl potty at home. She will tell us at least once a night that she needs to go. So we are making progress.
Alex is still learning how to take care of the "babies" (Maverick and Riggs the 3 mnth old kittens). She is doing better when it comes to holding and petting. She loves to make sure they are plenty warm, wrapping them up in blankets when she finds them napping. We are still teaching her how to hold them properly. So now everytime Mommy and Daddy are holding the kittens she will say "Ok, put the baby down. Dont hurt him. Be gentle". Too Cute!
November is always busy. We have Aunt Tippy's bday, Alexandra's bday, my bday and Thanksgiving. I think I am going to take charge again and have Thanksgiving at our house. I had a great time last year with our friends and family joining us. We will not only be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday but we will also celebrate my birthday. Kill two birds with one stone. And I get to make my Chocolate Eclair cake.. officially my favorite cake.
And of course there is Christmas. Every year I always get so stressed out. I get depressed when I see the decorations in stores so soon. I bum myself out yet I love this time of the year. I keep telling myself I will not be like that this year. We will see.
So updates for Ms Alex or as she will remind you "Ima Princess"... we are still working on potty training. Its not 100% in full effect, but she is doing well. She continues to stay dry all day at school. They have told me twice now they feel she is ready for the big girl underwear during the day. I think next week we just might start that. Ill start buying laundry detergent in bulk to prepare myself. She continues to have less interest for the big girl potty at home. She will tell us at least once a night that she needs to go. So we are making progress.
Alex is still learning how to take care of the "babies" (Maverick and Riggs the 3 mnth old kittens). She is doing better when it comes to holding and petting. She loves to make sure they are plenty warm, wrapping them up in blankets when she finds them napping. We are still teaching her how to hold them properly. So now everytime Mommy and Daddy are holding the kittens she will say "Ok, put the baby down. Dont hurt him. Be gentle". Too Cute!
The boys are curious about the water.
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