The last few days have been kinda hectic as Alexandra got the flu bug again. She woke up Saturday morning around 2:30 crying because she vomited all over herself in her crib. I gave her a bath, Doug stripped her bed and I sent him back to bed because he had to work in the morning. I spent the morning up with her in the living room until about 6am when she finally went to sleep on her princess couch. After Alex woke up around 11, she acted great, kept her toast down so we ran a couple of errands. She was so anxious to get outside and play. In the stores she kept telling me "I go home and dig." She wanted to go home and play with her shovel. She was so anxious that she even asked to dig in a huge planter outside the mall that was full of dirt. I told her that wasnt our dirt to dig in. So we spent the rest of Saturday afternoon playing outside with the neighbors, digging, cleaning up the yard and drawing with chalk, not one of mommies favorite activities. Luckily Daddy came home just in time to take over and colored with Alex on the driveway, allowing me to take pictures.
Sunday Alex seemed to be grouchy as if she didnt feel good. She never ran a fever and never threw up. During the day we played outside. She did start to get massive diarrhea towards the end of the night.
Monday I picked up Alex from daycare and find out that she had diarrhea so bad they had to wash her clothes. Throughout the night we continued to change several diapers.
Tuesday morning while at work I get a call from Doug. He had to pull over into a gas station because Alex started vomiting all over the car. I headed home to take care of a sick baby. For some who dont know, it is very very hard for Doug to handle his daughter or myself sick. He freaks out, gets anxious, worries and practically has panic attacks. He just cant handle it. So I take care of her when she is sick. Now if she is hurt, Im of no help for the situation. I am the one who freaks out, gives myself a panick attack and cries. I cant stand the thought of her hurt, which Doug can handle very well. Alex got sick a few more times at home and literally laid around, which was fine with me. I didnt want her up and about. She woke up from a nap around 3ish and seemed to act all better, except the diarrhea explosions. I decided to stay home with her today so the day care didnt have to deal with her tummy issues as she was constantly getting a diaper change lastnight. So far since she woke up this morning she has acted perfect. No problems yet. I think the lil bug has finally left her system. Im still taking it slow and watching what she eats and drinks.
My babydoll sleeping on her princess couch after getting sick Monday morning.
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