Thats how we have been for the last couple of weeks. With the decent weather a couple of weeks ago, we hung up all of the christmas decorations, inside and out. Our living room, bedroom, kitchen, front room and Alexandras room all have a tree. Alex has been pretty good with the trees, only undecorated the tree in our bedroom with the help of Lance my Godson. I cooked, with the help of others, Thanksgiving Dinner. We had a house full of friends and family. I even cooked up three new recipes, including a Chocolate Eclair Cake, Apple Sour Dough Stuffing and Parmesean Puff Patries. Evertything but the pastry puffs went well. I will have to practice on those some more. We also celebrated my birthday as it was the same day. The big 2-8. But of course, just feels like another day for me.
Thanksgiving evening after dinner, Lance and Alex disappeared into our bedroom to watch cartoons, so we thought. It was when they both ranout into the living room with arms full of ornaments, laid them on the table and ran back into the bedroom. I followed to find they had undecorated the tree, laying every piece on the bed or floor. They somehow even got the silver star at the top of the tree down. After asking many questions and hearing a few confessions, we learned Lance shook the tree, knocking the star down from the six foot tree. Luckily all the ornaments are plastic and didnt have too many catastrophies. A few ornaments had to have the tops glued back on, but all is well. All we could do as parents was laugh (when they werent looking of course). Later that evening the kids then disappeared into the front room. When my mom came out to advise "Maybe you and Kari should take care of this one..." I knew immediately what was going on. I found Alex sitting on top of the desk writing with a black permanent marker while Lance was literally knocking the glass bulbs off the tree. This time we were not laughing. They were placed in Time-Out.
Front Room
Our bedroom tree
Alexandra's tree
And the tree in the living room
Wow, you have so many trees! I love your Christmas decorations (inside and out).