Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Been a Minute or Two

Wow.. I finally found some time to jump on the computer and update the blog. Doug is out on a motorcycle ride with some friends and Alex is out for the night. I am continuing to work hard at work which has been noticed by several supvisors of different departments. Its been brought to my attention of a new change Hartford is working on that will effect my department tremendously. If the change actually takes place, there is going to be a supervisor position created. My old boss (recently our dept got a new supv) has informed me he wants to see me fill that position. I have definitely taken that into consideration and continue to work on improving myself, including my attitude, way of speaking to coworkers, handling stressful situations (which is everyday) and take management classes within Hartford. If you know how HIG works, you know it is still going to be a while for everything to come into effect. I have to remind self when I start to stress that someones always watching and to handle the situation professionally.

With all the stress that has been brought upon me for the last 4 months or so, I have been having some serious back issues. At the moment my doctor is still trying to pinpoint it, feeling the pain of the stress is being felt in my back. Its a constant burning sensation when I sit. Recently it has moved to my shoulders and neck and it occurs if I stand too long as well. I have tried a couple of medications and am on my third one. The first two i had really bad side effects from them. So far I am taking this medication with no negative sideeffects. It wont be for a while (a month or so) that I will really start to feel a difference. The dr is hoping once the stress has been calmed down and my head is cleared, then my back will start feeling better. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

Well its late and Doug just got home, so Im off to bed. I will post again this weekend all about Alexandra and her tantrums, time out time, new words (good and bad) and maybe even a hair cut soon in the future... along with some new pictures....

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