Wow.. I finally found some time to jump on the computer and update the blog. Doug is out on a motorcycle ride with some friends and Alex is out for the night. I am continuing to work hard at work which has been noticed by several supvisors of different departments. Its been brought to my attention of a new change Hartford is working on that will effect my department tremendously. If the change actually takes place, there is going to be a supervisor position created. My old boss (recently our dept got a new supv) has informed me he wants to see me fill that position. I have definitely taken that into consideration and continue to work on improving myself, including my attitude, way of speaking to coworkers, handling stressful situations (which is everyday) and take management classes within Hartford. If you know how HIG works, you know it is still going to be a while for everything to come into effect. I have to remind self when I start to stress that someones always watching and to handle the situation professionally.
With all the stress that has been brought upon me for the last 4 months or so, I have been having some serious back issues. At the moment my doctor is still trying to pinpoint it, feeling the pain of the stress is being felt in my back. Its a constant burning sensation when I sit. Recently it has moved to my shoulders and neck and it occurs if I stand too long as well. I have tried a couple of medications and am on my third one. The first two i had really bad side effects from them. So far I am taking this medication with no negative sideeffects. It wont be for a while (a month or so) that I will really start to feel a difference. The dr is hoping once the stress has been calmed down and my head is cleared, then my back will start feeling better. Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Well its late and Doug just got home, so Im off to bed. I will post again this weekend all about Alexandra and her tantrums, time out time, new words (good and bad) and maybe even a hair cut soon in the future... along with some new pictures....
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Mommy and Me Time
This evening Doug left for Wichita, KS for work. I took today, Wednesday through Friday off work. I have been needing some relief from work and thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Doug takes care of Alex in the morning because I leave so early. So he gets the opportunity to see her smiling face first thing and then drop her off at daycare. I normally pick her up. With Doug gone, I would had to drop Alex off, go in work late, stay late to make up for being late and then pick her up. Well it really wasnt going to work out especially since she has to be picked up by 6. So I just decided to take off instead of stressing about it. Plus I have needed some time off for a while. I had one day here and another day there...but the stress of work is really getting to me. This summer has been so busy with special projects, training and adapting to new systems and heavy work loads. It has slowed down some giving me the opportunity to catch up and not fear too much about the workload while Im out.
Alex and I ran a few errands today, which brought us to the mall. We played at the playground in the mall. I also allowed her to walk around, rather than ride in the stroller. She enjoyed that so much she wasnt ready to leave. She did do well though as we have taught her anytime she walks in public, stores, parking lots, etc, she is to hold our hand. So she will immediately hold out her hand and wait for you to hold it before walking.
Tomorrow I have plans to take her to daycare as normal. She always enjoys playing with other kids. I plan to work out, catch up on some needed tanning, clean up the house, finish the rest of the laundry, go to a drs appt and just relax the rest of the day until I pick up Alex. Friday we have plans to eat lunch with grandma Thayer at her work downtown. We will probably browse Circle Center mall and possibly visit my coworkers. They have been asking for a visit from Alex since its been almost a year since she has been to my work.
Doug is to come home late friday night, early saturday morning. Saturday and Sunday we have plans to go to the MotoGP that Olivia bought us tickets for. We are excited as this is the first year for it in Indpls. Alex will be spending Saturday and Sunday with Grandma Thayer while we are at the race..JPG)
Alex and I ran a few errands today, which brought us to the mall. We played at the playground in the mall. I also allowed her to walk around, rather than ride in the stroller. She enjoyed that so much she wasnt ready to leave. She did do well though as we have taught her anytime she walks in public, stores, parking lots, etc, she is to hold our hand. So she will immediately hold out her hand and wait for you to hold it before walking.
Tomorrow I have plans to take her to daycare as normal. She always enjoys playing with other kids. I plan to work out, catch up on some needed tanning, clean up the house, finish the rest of the laundry, go to a drs appt and just relax the rest of the day until I pick up Alex. Friday we have plans to eat lunch with grandma Thayer at her work downtown. We will probably browse Circle Center mall and possibly visit my coworkers. They have been asking for a visit from Alex since its been almost a year since she has been to my work.
Doug is to come home late friday night, early saturday morning. Saturday and Sunday we have plans to go to the MotoGP that Olivia bought us tickets for. We are excited as this is the first year for it in Indpls. Alex will be spending Saturday and Sunday with Grandma Thayer while we are at the race.
Here is Alex pouting while sitting in time-out. Doug didnt want me to take it but I thought she looked so adorable (and innocent). I had to get a quick shot. The only thing I dont agree on about this is the fact that she has paci and beary. How much will time-out teach her if she is allowed to have two of her favorite items while sitting there....Doug???
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Picture Time
Okay I tried adding pictures to my the last post but the internet is sssooo slow today. Everyone must be on it or something. So Im posting pictures here....
Alex and Daddy at Pizza King
Alex on her rocking horse watching Finding Nemo
Alex helping Mommy clean
Alex had pig tails for the first time when I picked her up from Daycare
Were we missed?
Once again Im slacking with this blog. But here is a little update on whats going on with the Thayer Family... or as I like to call us "The Three Muskethayers"...
We are teaching Alex the meaning of sorry and when to say it. She picked up on Please and thank you very well so Im sure she will learn this easily. If one of us has to put her in time out, we make her sit for a few minutes. Once time is up, we talk to her telling her why she is in trouble. We then ask her to say sorry to both parents for not behaving. Her lil "Souwy" gets me everytime.
About a week ago we took Alexandra for her first visit to Pizza King. She enjoyed it as well as the train that dropped off our drinks. She of course enjoyed watching tv while we ate. She was very good eating all her dinner and drank her lemonade.
We are trying to think of her next halloween costume. Minnie Mouse has ran across my mind. I will have to talk to Kari-Kari. Maybe we can have Lance as Mickey and Alex as Minnie....
Alex is now letting Amy and Melissa put her hair up in a pony tail. As some know, she doesnt care for me messing with her hair and if I am able to get it up, she pulls it right out. Now that she sees the lil girls at school putting their hair up, she wants hers up as well. I encouraged Amy and Melissa to play with her hair, getting her used to it so I can put it up as well. Today when I picked her up she had pig tails in. Absolutely adorable! Doug and I were very excited.
"Fish!" is what we hear at least once a day. Alexandra loves to watch Finding Nemo on her tv. She will watch it all the way through each time, barely stopping to eat dinner. She is very very interested in fish and aquatic life and has been pointing out lots of sea creatures in books that we read. We are thinking her 2nd birthday party theme will be Finding Nemo. We need to make a decision soon as I want to start buying supplies soon. Im also debating between "Disney Princesses, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, Minnie Mouse or Strawberry Shortcake. There are so many to choose from. After comparing prices on websites and stores around here I found that seems to be the cheapest and have more to choose from.
Doug just finished and passed another class in school, some hard math class that drove me crazy just watching him. Now he is on another math course. Statistics. His 10 year class reunion is coming up in October. Im excited for it but he doesnt want to go. Im still trying to change his mind. He leaves for Wichita, KS Sept 10th for a few days. I still am taking off Wednesday thru Friday to spend a few days with Alexandra.
As for myself, im still dealing with back pain. I got a new prescription of flexiril or whatever its called. Its a muscle relaxer that only causes me to be very sleepy but doesnt touch the pain in my back. I have a follow up appointment on Sept 10th. Im waiting to see what the doctor advises. I might go get a second opinion or check out a chiropractor.
I am still very busy at Hartford. Our office is going through a whole new process called EDM (paperless). I go through training all day tomorrow. Sept 16th our office goes "live". This is suppose to be more efficient, organized, and save on paper.
I am also still working on my weight. I dont know how much I have lost this month. I dont keep track until i go to the dr. This is my last month on the Adipex. I plan to start taking an herbal supplement that increases metabolism and gives you more energy. I dont remember what it is called but its at GNC.
We are teaching Alex the meaning of sorry and when to say it. She picked up on Please and thank you very well so Im sure she will learn this easily. If one of us has to put her in time out, we make her sit for a few minutes. Once time is up, we talk to her telling her why she is in trouble. We then ask her to say sorry to both parents for not behaving. Her lil "Souwy" gets me everytime.
About a week ago we took Alexandra for her first visit to Pizza King. She enjoyed it as well as the train that dropped off our drinks. She of course enjoyed watching tv while we ate. She was very good eating all her dinner and drank her lemonade.
We are trying to think of her next halloween costume. Minnie Mouse has ran across my mind. I will have to talk to Kari-Kari. Maybe we can have Lance as Mickey and Alex as Minnie....
Alex is now letting Amy and Melissa put her hair up in a pony tail. As some know, she doesnt care for me messing with her hair and if I am able to get it up, she pulls it right out. Now that she sees the lil girls at school putting their hair up, she wants hers up as well. I encouraged Amy and Melissa to play with her hair, getting her used to it so I can put it up as well. Today when I picked her up she had pig tails in. Absolutely adorable! Doug and I were very excited.
"Fish!" is what we hear at least once a day. Alexandra loves to watch Finding Nemo on her tv. She will watch it all the way through each time, barely stopping to eat dinner. She is very very interested in fish and aquatic life and has been pointing out lots of sea creatures in books that we read. We are thinking her 2nd birthday party theme will be Finding Nemo. We need to make a decision soon as I want to start buying supplies soon. Im also debating between "Disney Princesses, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, Minnie Mouse or Strawberry Shortcake. There are so many to choose from. After comparing prices on websites and stores around here I found that seems to be the cheapest and have more to choose from.
Doug just finished and passed another class in school, some hard math class that drove me crazy just watching him. Now he is on another math course. Statistics. His 10 year class reunion is coming up in October. Im excited for it but he doesnt want to go. Im still trying to change his mind. He leaves for Wichita, KS Sept 10th for a few days. I still am taking off Wednesday thru Friday to spend a few days with Alexandra.
As for myself, im still dealing with back pain. I got a new prescription of flexiril or whatever its called. Its a muscle relaxer that only causes me to be very sleepy but doesnt touch the pain in my back. I have a follow up appointment on Sept 10th. Im waiting to see what the doctor advises. I might go get a second opinion or check out a chiropractor.
I am still very busy at Hartford. Our office is going through a whole new process called EDM (paperless). I go through training all day tomorrow. Sept 16th our office goes "live". This is suppose to be more efficient, organized, and save on paper.
I am also still working on my weight. I dont know how much I have lost this month. I dont keep track until i go to the dr. This is my last month on the Adipex. I plan to start taking an herbal supplement that increases metabolism and gives you more energy. I dont remember what it is called but its at GNC.
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