It has been another few weeks since I have last updated everyone. Since the weather has been nice we have been outside. We come home from work, eat dinner and head out the door until the sun starts to go down. The weekends have been pretty much the same. Alexandra loves to be outside. If for some reason she cant go outside, she is sitting at the door crying until we open it. Alex will be a year and a half May 16th-Wow, again, how time flies. She is mimiking and mocking us with what we say and what we do. She is starting to say more names and words like duck, milk, Ne-Ne (short for Renee), tickle, yes and no She still loves to dance and shakes her lil booty everytime my cell phone rings... "Low, Low Low". She loves to sing to Backyardigans in the truck. And of course we have the attitude thats comes along with it all. We have figured out that if she starts to cry because she didnt get her way or just wants to have a fit for no apparent reason, we let her continue with her tantrum and dont talk to her. If that doesnt work, we put her in the crib. She doesnt always go to sleep but will always calm down. It may take half an hour or so, but I think we have her understanding that we dont put up with the fits and will ignore her in some way.
Out w/ my hubby for Jr's b-day
Doug celebrated his birthday on April 24th. Twenty-eight years old already! He really didnt celebrate too much because he worked on a final the whole night while me and Alex hung out. We ate some icecream cake and thats about it.
We also are raising 5 caterpillars to become butterflies. We ordered them off tv and received in the mail about a week ago. They have trippled in size. After they make their cocoons, we will then place them into the butterfly house and wait for them to hatch. Once they hatch we will feed them carnations soaked in sugar water, watermelons and oranges. After a month or so we can then release them. Im excited. They are getting so big. I wish Alex understood more. But thats just another reason we will have to do this every year.. start a new tradition.
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