Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Teething again...

Alexandra started teething her canines, fangs or what ever they are called. We thought this round of teething was going to be easier compared to the last (first year molers). But it seems to be worse. She drooled for a week or so and now has started her crying fits. A few days ago she started fussing more than normal. She is now waking up at night as well pouting and whining, sometimes crying. It hasnt gotten to the point where she wont go back to sleep and we have to bring her into our room, but its pretty bad. She cried Tuesday night for an hour straight. She has never done that ever before. We continue to give her tylenol or motrin, cold wet wash rags and a teething ring. Of course all is temporary but at least it gives us a chance to catch our breath and calm down. She also seems very moody. So we have to be extra sensitive to her feelings. As of now it looks like her bottom two are coming in at once. I cant tell yet if her top two have dropped or close to coming in. I just hope they all 4 break through the skin as soon as possible. I wouldnt mind getting it all done at once... just get it over with.

I said "cheese" and got this response

"Mommy my teeth hurt."

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