Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Fun

Hope everyone had a wonderful time spending Easter day with family and friends. The evening before easter we colored eggs. Alex didnt help as much seeming it was so messy. She cried because she didnt understand why she wasnt allowed to hold the eggs. We tried to let her shake the eggs in the glitter bucket but she wanted to hold the sticky eggs.
The three of us had an eventful day Sunday. We first went to Grandma Thayers house for lunch. Paw-Paw and Nana Thayer also joined us there. We had a very filling lunch that consisted of barbeque ribs, veggies, corn on the cob (my favorite), rolls, the traditional jello eggs, cookies, and other goodies. Grandma Thayer gave Alex an adorable singing rabbit with ears that "clapped" when singing "When your Happy and you Know it, Clap your Hands", Thumper bed time book and an outfit. She also got to experience her first Easter Egg Hunt. She did surprisingly well and found almost all the eggs and collected them in her bucket. She received a fun pack of Hello Kitty (another one of my favorites) coloring/painting/activity books., including scented bubbles. She also got a soft lamb from Paw-paw and Nana that she loves to hug and kiss. After spending time with Dougs side of the family, we went home for a very needed nap (including Doug and I). After a few hours we headed to my dads house where Memaw, Aunt Ashley, Uncle Ty, Uncle Brandon, Aunt Tiffany, cousin Ethan and a few others joined us for dinner. We were stuffed from all the food. Alex played with Ethan for a few hours. We got lots of adorable pictures. By 9 o'clock, we were all tired and headed back home.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wearing our Green

Happy St. Patricks Day Everyone!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day at the Childrens Museum

The 4 Buchanan Men-Dad, Uncle Mark, Tyler and Ethan
Playing at the water activity center
Checking out all the surprises behind the doors
Passed out 5 minutes after we left.

Today we went to the Childrens Museum to celebrate cousin Ethans 4th birthday. We have been excited for this trip for a while now. After eating cake and opening presents, we all wondered throughout the museum. Alexandra enjoyed the exhibit for children 3 and under the most. She seemed a bit overwhelmed with all the unfamiliar faces but started to warm up and do things on her own. She especially enjoyed getting her hands wet and playing in the water activity center. We both enjoyed that until someones lil brat of a daughter threw a toy into the water soaking Alex and mommy. My mouth became foul and attitude worse as I began to hunt down this ankle biters parents. And the thing is her mother was watching her the whole time and didnt even apologize for what her daughter had done. After getting Alex calmed down and wiped away the tears, we rode the carosel. This was the second time she has been on a carosel. She didnt want to sit on a horse this time. She wanted to sit on Mommys lap. So we sat on a bench and said hi to Daddy as we passed him. We knew she was getting tired and all the excitement was wearing her down when she didnt want to run around. So we left after a few more activities. Doug and I have decided that we will take off a week day and bring her back to the museum. Maybe next time it wont be as crowded and she will open up a lil more to all the activities and fun.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Teething again...

Alexandra started teething her canines, fangs or what ever they are called. We thought this round of teething was going to be easier compared to the last (first year molers). But it seems to be worse. She drooled for a week or so and now has started her crying fits. A few days ago she started fussing more than normal. She is now waking up at night as well pouting and whining, sometimes crying. It hasnt gotten to the point where she wont go back to sleep and we have to bring her into our room, but its pretty bad. She cried Tuesday night for an hour straight. She has never done that ever before. We continue to give her tylenol or motrin, cold wet wash rags and a teething ring. Of course all is temporary but at least it gives us a chance to catch our breath and calm down. She also seems very moody. So we have to be extra sensitive to her feelings. As of now it looks like her bottom two are coming in at once. I cant tell yet if her top two have dropped or close to coming in. I just hope they all 4 break through the skin as soon as possible. I wouldnt mind getting it all done at once... just get it over with.

I said "cheese" and got this response

"Mommy my teeth hurt."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Busy Busy Bees

Last few weeks have kept me very busy, so it seems. I have been helping my mother in law plan her mothers 80th birthday party. I made the invitations and am now putting together a DVD of pictures with music. At work I recently became part of a project w/ home office in CT. It keeps me busy in and outside of work, writing up studies, surveys and interviews. This project is to improve Hartfords appraisal process including Inside, Outside appraisers & dispatch (my dept). Out of hundreds of people that could have been chosen for this project myself and 6 other people were chosen. I am extremely honored to be chosen for this project and hope my input will help make a difference.
Doug started a new job today working for BG Distributors (something like that). He is in training class now and found out he will have to go to Wichita KS for more training. We dont know when or for how long but I know its going to be very hard for us.
Most everyone knows that my sister Tiffany and I have not spoken in 4 years, since she was 9 months pregnant. There have been some issues and problems that kept us apart. Recently we have started talking and hanging out. I have a 4 year old nephew I am starting to get to know and love. Ethan absolutely adores Alex and they have so much fun playing together. My sister and I now talk everyday either by phone or email. We also have been hanging out almost every weekend catching up. I have also referred her to a few positions at my workplace, so she might even start working with me.
Alex is doing great. I think she is starting to get her canines in on the bottom. She is continuing to catch on to a lot that we say and do. She has had a cold for about a week or so with coughing, sneezing and runny nose. But Ill take that anyday. I have been watching so many people catch that flu. Knock on wood we havent.
Next couple of weeks we have 2 birthday parties, easter w/ family and Chicago friends coming into town for the weekend before St Pattys Day.