Tuesday, December 16, 2008
What a week.. and its only Tuesday
Last weekend me, Doug, Alexandra, Grandma Scheible and Grandma Thayer had Breakfast with Santa at Nordstrom. Alex was very good. She even talking to Santa about her Kitty-Cat. She didnt want to get close to him but everytime he was around she would point at him and say "Santa!".
A close friend of ours, Zach, was in a car accident Sunday evening on the southside. Some might have heard about it on the news. Wishtv had a video clip titled "Hit and Run Injures Hoosier Soldier". He was t-boned on the drivers side by another car and pushed off the road. He was knocked unconscience while the driver of the other car ran away on foot, leaving the car. Luckily there were two witnesses and right now investigation is underway to verify the person who was caught in fact was the driver. Zach has a broken jaw, broken pelvis, 3 broken ribs, bruise on his brain, broken clavicle, punctured lung and liver. Surgery was performed to fix the liver and lung, his spleen was taken out. He is in ICU and will stay there till at least Friday. He has a very long hard recovery ahead of him. Luckily he has a wonderful, caring and supportive wife that will be there through it all.
Please keep Zach and Kari in your thoughts and prayers.
Work has been extremely busy with the coworkers on vacation or out for medical reasons. I feel at one point Im all caught up and then someone opens the gates and more work floods in. Every year it seems to be hectic and stressful, but this year seems to be the worse so far. I will just be happy when it starts to slow down around February.
Today, with the ice and snow from the northside to the southside of Indpls, it toook me almost 3 hours to get home. There was more ice than snow on the southside and traffic literally creeped at 10 mph on 35. I didnt get home till 7 and of course my night has literally flown by. But now I get to go to bed and wake up to another rough drive into work tomorrow... from what I have been told, more ice is on the way as we sleep.
SO it tried adding pics and then it goes blank.. so ill try again later
Monday, December 8, 2008
Well Im about to head off the bed, joining Doug. Alex went to bed early tonight only because we made her. Im starting to feel better, have even eaten some dry cereal. I had not eaten anything all day, so this was a good start. Im thinking everything will be better tomorrow. And Ill be back at work...yay!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Picture from Thanksgiving
Busy, Busy, Busy
Our bedroom tree
Alexandra's tree
And the tree in the living room
Monday, November 17, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday Alexandra
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!!

Monday, November 10, 2008
Who you callin' four eyes?!
My brown frames
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Please and Thank You
Dracula and his girlfriend Red
The first house we went to
Notice Lance in the back.. he was snatching more candy from a kids hand. I was laughing (bad Courtney, bad)
Daddy didnt want to walk anymore
Grandma Thayer decided she wanted a free ride so kicked Alex and Daddy out of the wagon
Lance was such a gentleman and held Alex's hand because, he said, "she is scared".
Greenwood cop passing out candy...Why did us adults say to each other when he pulled up with his lights on "What did we do?" ..... guilty conscience???
Monday, November 3, 2008
"What's My Name?"
So sometime a few weeks ago as I walk into daycare to pick up Princess Alexandra, she comes running as fast as she can to me. As she is running, normally, she would say "Me-Me!" or "Mommy!". Well not this time. I hear "Caurney" out of her little mouth. I just stood there in shock as one of the daycare ladies asks "Did she just call you Courtney?" Yep, she sure did.. and then it started... from then on at least once a day I hear her call me "Courney". Everytime, I will either ignore her until she says "Mommy" or I will ask her "What's my name?" .. sometimes I will get an immediate "Mommy" with a lil smile... and sometimes she will continue to call me by my name until she finally answers correctly. I wont let her continue to talk until she says it correctly. So now instead of calling out "Doug" all the time to Daddy (which of course he is gleaming from ear to ear because she passed that stage), she is now calling my name. It is cute at the moment because she will have this high pitch in her voice and she has that "not so innocent" look on her face... because knows what she is saying and she knows what she should be saying...
Picture Time!

I asked Alex to smile and this is what I got.. what a smarty pants
She was so bored sitting during a wedding reception
Look Me-Me! Grape!
Past the bored-stage, starting to get tired so Mommy had to cuddle her Baby Doll
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Punk-in Patch!
I thought I got enough sleep over the weekend, but apparently not. After I woke up from a nap, only because Alex woke up, I have been struggling to stay awake. I am so ready to take a bath and go to bed. I hope Alex wants to go to bed early.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Guess Who....
Doug and I were invited to a Halloween party this Saturday and advised dress up if you want. At first we werent going to, but as we were out and about looking for Alexandra's b-day decorations (which we didnt find what we wanted), we ran across several costumes we like. So we decided to dress up. We are going as a couple, dressed in the same motif, but Im not spilling the beans. I plan to take some pics and post them after the party. Then you can check our costumes out.... by the way, the costumes are nothing too extravagent... It's just exciting for Doug and I because, in the 11 years we have been together, we have never dressed up together for Halloween.
Monday, October 13, 2008
It's that time of the year again
Yum Yum
Well this weekend I was out and about in the local Walmart and ran across Alphabits again, only to notice they changed the look of their box. After my mom convinced me that they taste like the original, I trusted her, buying a box. Mind you, I advised her if it was the same nasty healthy crap as before I would be feeding it to the kid. Immediately reaching my vehicle, I took a taste test and guess what THE ORIGINAL INGREDIENTS ARE BACK! THEY RELAUNCHED WITH A NEW LOOK AND ORIGINAL TASTE!! Im super excited and am pleased to share my discovery with all. So next time you see me in the grocery store, bet you will find a box (or two) of Alphabits in my cart.
And yes, you will be proud to know I put my selfishness to the side and shared this magnificent cereal with my daughter. Which of course she loved and asked for more.
Monday, October 6, 2008
"Shoe please"
Friday, October 3, 2008
My First Haircut/Trim
Daddy keeping her entertained.
Starting to look like a girl and not a boy
Awwww pretty girl. We kept telling her how pretty she was. As she would say "Im preetty"
See the tear in her right eye? aaaawwww