Ear infection that is....
So Alex started coughing the other day... and continued to cough for a few more days. I stayed home with her on Monday and went to the doctor. Guess what.. another ear infection in the right ear! I could have started crying. This will be ear infection # 2. It upsets me so much. But the dr advises its normal, especially with this weather. Babies tend to catch colds which cause congestion which then builds up in the ears. She is back on the pink bubblegum flavored medicine. More than likely she caught a cold from the other children and/or baby she is with during the day at the babysitters. Almost everyone there was sick with an ear infection, cold or flu. Once this weather gets warm and stays warm, the risks for ear infections goes down. I have a feeling she will get more and then end up getting a set of tubes. Lets just pray one set of tubes will fix the problem and ear infections do not become routine.
Oh I totally thought you were pregnant again already with this title!!
ReplyDeletePoor little girl, hope she starts feeling better soon!