Alexandra is officially 3 months old as of 2/16/07. She is doing pretty well on her developmental skills/acitivites according to the many magazines, articles and books I read. Doug and I think she might start sitting up on her own real soon. She doesnt like to lay down anymore when she is awake. She tries to sit up on her own. We usually will have propped up in her Boppy pillow, sitting in her exosaucer, and propped up in her swing or bouncer. Alex also seems to be trying to roll over. She can get her left leg under herself and push herself over to her side, but then falls back onto her back. She is a very talkative baby. She can sit somewhere and keep herself amused by making all kinds of noises. She gets real excited in her swing watching the fish above her head. She just talks and talks and talks. I have video recorded her a few times when she is in her talkative mood. I am hoping she is a talkative child. Yea I say this now, but Im sure when she starts talking, Ill will want some quiet time. She is easily amused by cartoons and especially ones that sing. We are starting to buy more movies/cartoons for her to watch. She loves the Back Yardigans and Wonder Pets.
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