Friday, August 28, 2009

R.I.P. Yasmine-Jasmine

Thursday evening we lost a member of our family, Yasmine. She lived a long life, 14 memorable years with me. I found her one day while babysitting at an apartment complex. I was 15 years old. She cried at the back glass door. She was so skinny, had been shaved on one side, her tail was broke and she had a limp. I called my mom and told her I was bringing her home. After a thorough check up with the vet, he determined her to be approx. 1 year old. She was pumped up with vitamins and became a very healthy, playful cat. She became a mom of 4 kittens and even fostered 4 more kittens when another cat refused to feed her own. When I moved out, she came with me. She finally got used to Doug after about 2 years. She moved with us from apartment to house. She was the best cat I have ever had, and for some people who know me, I have had A LOT of cats. I have so many memories with her. Laying on the roof in the warm sunlight, waiting for me to get home from school at my window, sneaking her into my room at night, catching mice for my dad who claimed her as the best mouser we had, gaining some weight she earned the nickname Phatty-Girl, introducing herself to 8 week old Lucifer by scratching his nose and making him yelp the day he came home, showing me that I blocked the entrance to her litter box and she waited all night for me to fix it without any accidents and sooo many more memories. She will truely be missed and never forgotten. She was the best cat one could ask for. I will miss the greetings from her as she sat on the table, every morning and evening. I will miss cuddling next to her in front of the roaring fireplace on cold winter days. I will miss her soft cry, loud purr and wet nose as she wakes me up at night just to be loved. There will always be a place on my pillow she cuddled every night next to me. I will remember the last breath she took as I held her in my arms. I will treasure all the memories we have together.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Small change in the Thayer household...

This morning I decided Alex needs to get out of the crib and into her big girl bed. So Doug changed the crib over to the day bed. When we showed Alex at first she didnt want to sit in it. She jumped off right away. Then she jumped back in bed and jumped and jumped and jumped. We just let her. I figured if she had fun in the new bed, then it will make the transition a little easier. Right now she is taking her first nap in the big girl bed. I hope she doesnt roll out.
Now its time to continue with the potty training. She did tell us that if she pees in the potty she gets a sucker. But after asking her if she wanted to try, she said "No thanks". So she knows what makes her a big girl, she just isnt ready yet. We will continue to ask her, but not force her. Maybe one day she will decide she is ready and will tell us. I found out that is what I did right after I turned 3. I told my mom one morning I was ready to wear big girl underwear, so my mom put them on and I never had an accident. Im hoping for that to happen soon.

I think Alex looks so grown up here

She asked to try on Mommys glasses. Too Cute!

Grandma Olivia and Alex running through the sprinkler

Alex drinking from the sprinkler

Time for popsicles with Daddy

I love this dress on her. She looks great in pastels.

This is what happens when you leave a 2 yr old and chocolate pudding alone at the same time.

The big girl bed.

Daddy and Alex watching movies in the closet. They were "hiding from Mommy"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Its August Already?!?

So July came and went by so quickly. I am not ready for the summer to end. I cannot stand being cold and dont look forward to it. But N-E-Ways
So what have we been up too? Working a lot it seems. Then by the time we get home, eat dinner and take our baths, its time for bed. But I finally found a moment to catch up on here. I finished my online Digital Photography class, receiving a 92% on my final. Yea I got a spiffy certificate that proves my "new knowledge" but it really doesnt mean anything if I were to try to get a job with it. But I was excited to finish the class. I learned a lot and hope to sign up for more. Maybe I can fit an instructor-lead class in one night a week?
Alexandra starts her first gynmastics class Tuesday the 18th. We hope she likes this and learns a lot. Right now she is in the beginners class for 2-3 year olds. Its basically a "tumbling" class.
We are still working on potty training. Sometimes she is really into it, and sometimes not so much. We tried bribing her with a sucker. She lots interest in that fast. Then it was chocolate. Yea, that didnt last long either. One evening, Doug got the bright idea of telling her she can have icecream if she uses the potty. That night was torture. She basically cried all night because she didnt want to pee in the potty BUT she wanted her icecream.
We are also working on getting rid of the paci. She has learned and knows she cannot have it unless she goes to bed. She reminds us that she needs paci. Now we are trying to wean her off at night. I know she can sleep without it because she doesnt have it at daycare during naps. We just arent ready for the tantrums.

This is what happens when a 2 year old decides to take her diaper off in the middle of the night. All the stuffed animals in bed had to be washed and set out to dry. She no longer sleeps in night gowns. Allison, Madison and Alexandra laying

The neighbor next door had to fun water slide. Alex was sooo excited about it. All she talked about was going swimming and sliding.

This is as close she got to it. She would jump in then right back out. She didnt go near the slide. I think it was too tall, too intimidating.