Thursday, May 28, 2009

Take a Look.....

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.
Enjoy!Alex digging for worms
Me and Kari-Kari

She thought it was funny to honk the horn

At cousin Ethans birthday party. Fake smile...

Playing with Ethans kitten Miley

The birthday boy

Loving on her PaPaw. She got in trouble by mommy and thought PaPaw would save her.

Punch Balls!

Testing out the new walkie-talkies
Tiffany and Ashley couldnt resist and had to play with them too.

Passed out.. in the car barely 5 minutes and she was out!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Okay so its been a few days since I last posted. I have been busy with a few things and getting on the computer just doesn't fit in the schedule. Alex seems to be growing and changing everyday. She is now counting to 15 all by herself. She says the Alphabet all by herself, sometimes skipping from F to Q. I think she gets excited to sing the end and forgets letters in the middle. We continue to get many compliments on how much she talks and what words she can say. Her vocabulary is getting bigger and bigger everyday. She is putting more sentences together. We try to speak in "adult" terms rather than "baby" talk with her. So if she says "I dig worms" we repeat "You want to dig for worms". She is also very interested in knowing who is a girl, boy, mommy or daddy. She will ask me "Thats a mommy?" when she sees a woman. If I dont see kids with the woman I say "She is a girl". One time putting groceries into the car she said and repeated several times very loudly to the guy sitting in his car next to us "Is that a Daddy?". I laughed and said " I dont know if he is a daddy. He is a boy". I like it when she points out older people are says they are a PaPaw or Grandma. And yes she likes to know if the worm she has found is a mommy or daddy. Sometimes she will tell me what they are depending on their size. She is not shy at all to go to a person and tell them about how cute her hair looks or her new boo-boo or she is going to dig for worms or proudly tell them "I am eetaful (beautiful)". Almost anyone can walk up to her and she will start a conversation with them.
Some very exciting news as well. Alex peed in the potty lastnight (Memorial Day evening). She was running around being silly after she took her diaper off. I then asked if she wanted to go potty and she did. She sat for less than a minute and went. I was sooo shocked because I thought it would be like the other times. She sits, I wait, she says she went when she didnt, she gets up, pretends to flush, sits back down, etc etc. Daddy joined in the bathroom and we were super excited and so proud, letting her know how she was a big girl. And yes Mommy teared up as I always do when she accomplishes something. We told Daycare this morning and they will be working with her as well. Doug and I are so excited for this point and hope it goes well. We are hoping she keeps up with it and doesnt get bored or lose interest, wanting to get back into a diaper. I have seen this happen with a few friends kids so i know its a possibility.
Okay so there is more to share but Im at work and lunch period is over. I have more photos to share as well. So this will be continued soon....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy 4th Anniversary

Doug and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary yesterday May 18th. He bought me a 3 year membership to the Swarovski Crystal Society, something I have always wanted to start collecting. Everytime we are in Von Maur (or any other place that sells Swarovski) I have to stop and check it out. He also bought me the SCS Annual Edition 2009 Gorilla Cub. This is part of the Endangered Wildlife Trilogy 2008-2010 for members only. Each year Swarovski comes out with a new endangered animal. In 2008 it was the Panda. They have not announced 2010's animal but it will be in the cat family. Im so excited to start collecting Swarovski. While I wait for the gorilla cub to arrive from Swarovski, we are now looking for a glass hutch or cabinet to display my collection. I do own some jewelry sets to add to the collection as well.

If I collect all of 2008-2010's trilogy then I would like to get the plaque.

The gorilla cub Doug ordered for me.

The complete gorilla set

2008's Panda collection

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Dog for Alex??

So we have been thinking more and more about getting Alexandra her own dog. Lucifer is her "Bubby", she loves him to death and he is a great dog. But we wanted to get her own puppy to grow up with her. Doug and I both have memories of our very own dog we got as puppies and they grew up with us as well. We have thought about all kinds of dogs and feel that a small to medium size dog will fit her well. We have checked out several breeds and finally narrowed it down to Australian Sherpherd. We had Doggy our Aussie/Collie mix growing up and my dad now has Wendy an Australian Shephard. So now we are looking for a local breeder. We have found some in IL, OH and KY but still looking for IN breeders. We have found that either have puppies that are older or dont have any puppies and no plans for upcoming litters. If you have a suggestion or know of a local breeder, let us know!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More pictures from the weekend...

Sunday we spent most of the day with Rick, Kari and Lance. We went fishing, digging for worms and played in Allison's bouncy jump-a-roo thingy (I dont know what its called). I also included pics from Friday when Alex and I played with the camera taking pictures while waiting on Daddy in the car.

Cheesing for the camera

Alex said "Mommy's turn" So I took a picture of myself

Daddy letting Alex touch the fish he caught. You have to watch her or she will try to kiss them too.

Rick, Lance and Alexandra

Daddy's cat fish that was caught over and over

Alex was so tired from the busy day and no nap, she fell asleep right out of the tub while I was trying to put lotion on her. She was in bed by 8 pm

Cutie-patootie watching cartoons Monday evening

Happy 3rd Birthday Lance!

Saturday we celebrated Lance's 3rd birthday.

Still cannot believe he is 3 already!

Monster truck cake

Alex and Lance put cake on their noses. They thought it was the funniest thing ever!

Lance opening his gift from us. He hasnt quite got the concept of it

Lance took Alex on a ride on his new quad. She loved it and he was a great driver.

Daddy and Rick put together the slot race car track and played it all night...

Alex took the Caddy out for a spin too. This will probably be our next purchase for her