So yesterday afternoon I put Alex down for a nap. She acted tired and even told me she wanted to "paci and beary, go nigh-nigh". She was in the crib for maybe half an hour when she started talking and carrying on a conversation with her stuffed animals. This is normal and after listening to her lullabies, she usually falls back to sleep. Well this time she started calling for "Momma"...then when I didnt answer she started calling for "Daddy"...and then it was back to calling for "Courney". Finally I went into the room when she started saying "I get down, please, out". I walked in to find her half way out of the crib, with one leg over the railing. I asked what she was doing and her reply "I get down". She also had taken everything out of her crib, throwing onto the floor. This would include her Ariel pillow, small decorative butterfly pillow, black bear, tan bear, all three bearies, kitty, paci, small kitty, small doggy, blanket and comforter that hangs over the railing. I think if she could have gotten the sheet off the bed it would be on the floor too. This would be the first time she has tried getting out of the crib on her own. That to me is a sign that we might need to change her bed into the toddler stage. Im going to wait though, and see if she tries again.
Oh yea, so after I got her out of the hanging position on the crib, I put her on the floor. As I was telling her she really needed to take a nap before we made the trip to the grocery, she started to leave her room. As I was walking behind her, she stopped and with this surprised, scared, "uh-oh I just got caught" look on her face, she stopped and turns to me, saying "I get down". I agreed, shook my head and responded, "Yes, yes you got down". I think it dawned on her that she is able to climb out of her crib and successfully get out when ever she wants to....