Sunday, October 26, 2008
I have lots and lots of pictures to share. I would love to post them and have tried, but for some reason as I upload it times out and doesnt upload. So I will work on getting the pictures uploaded another time when the internet isnt so slow....
Punk-in Patch!
So it is Sunday evening and the lack of sleep over the weekend has caught up with me. Friday night my dad took Alexandra to spend the night with him. Alex, Papaw, Me-Maw and Ethan went to the Whitewater Valley Railroad in Connersville. There they rode a train to a pumpkin patch. Doug and I went birthday shopping for her and out to dinner. Saturday we didnt sleep in much as we had a few errands to run before Alex came home. Saturday evening Doug and I went to Tom's Halloween party. We had plans to dress up as gangsters. Doug had a costume that had a mask and blow up shoulders to make him look beefy and muscular. Yea, well while putting air into the shoulders, it blew up. He tried wearing the outfit without the shoulders but the jacket was so big and the mask didnt fit well. So he didnt end up dressing up. But I did dress up as a mafia chick. We stayed at Toms with a few friends till about 2:30 in the morning. Sunday we woke up and went to Watermans Fall Festival where we rode horses, went on a hay ride, and picked pumpkins in a pumpkin patch. When we got home and put Alex to bed for her nap, Doug and I fell asleep for a nap. Doug is now at his softball games while Alex and watch Dora and start to wrap up the weekend.
I thought I got enough sleep over the weekend, but apparently not. After I woke up from a nap, only because Alex woke up, I have been struggling to stay awake. I am so ready to take a bath and go to bed. I hope Alex wants to go to bed early.
I thought I got enough sleep over the weekend, but apparently not. After I woke up from a nap, only because Alex woke up, I have been struggling to stay awake. I am so ready to take a bath and go to bed. I hope Alex wants to go to bed early.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Guess Who....
Just an update since the last time... We are set for Halloween, all three of us. Alexandra will be going as Little Red Riding Hood. We at first wanted a little devil costume, but everyone we found she would have to wear something on her head (hood with horns, headband with horns, etc). Knowing Alex and her temper when it comes to messing with her hair, she will not keep anything on her head. She will for a moment and then take it off. So when we were at target a few weeks ago we found Little Red Riding Hood. Yes she has a cape with a hood, but if she doesnt wear the hood up, it doesnt really matter as you can still tell what she is suppose to be. I found a cute lil picnic basket at Flower Factory, along with her black shoes and white tights. We were also thinking of bringing Lucifer along as the Big Bad Wolf, but Im sure Lucifer will want to eat the pointy ear and long tail we try to put on him. Anyone have a wolf we can borrow for an evening?
Doug and I were invited to a Halloween party this Saturday and advised dress up if you want. At first we werent going to, but as we were out and about looking for Alexandra's b-day decorations (which we didnt find what we wanted), we ran across several costumes we like. So we decided to dress up. We are going as a couple, dressed in the same motif, but Im not spilling the beans. I plan to take some pics and post them after the party. Then you can check our costumes out.... by the way, the costumes are nothing too extravagent... It's just exciting for Doug and I because, in the 11 years we have been together, we have never dressed up together for Halloween.
Doug and I were invited to a Halloween party this Saturday and advised dress up if you want. At first we werent going to, but as we were out and about looking for Alexandra's b-day decorations (which we didnt find what we wanted), we ran across several costumes we like. So we decided to dress up. We are going as a couple, dressed in the same motif, but Im not spilling the beans. I plan to take some pics and post them after the party. Then you can check our costumes out.... by the way, the costumes are nothing too extravagent... It's just exciting for Doug and I because, in the 11 years we have been together, we have never dressed up together for Halloween.
Monday, October 13, 2008
It's that time of the year again
Just around the corner will be Alexandra and my birthdays along with Christmas soon after that. Every year we always have someone asking us "What do you want" "Give us some ideas". Well of course right then and there we can never come up with ideas. Its always later on I think to myself "I would like that". So I decided to keep track of lists for each of us on here. At the moment I could only think of a few ideas for us three but am sure as the days go by a few more will come to mind. I plan to keep the list updated for each of us.
Yum Yum
As some of you are aware, I am in love with Post's Alphabits (yes bits, not bets) cereal. Love Love Love it. Back in the day, yes back in the day, like the 80's back in the day, I remember waking up Saturday mornings, making a bowl of Alphabits and sitting down to my favorite cartoons. The best part is when all the cereal was gone and left is the sugary milk to wash it all down. Mmmmm....Growing up and becoming the more mature woman I am, I dropped the "kiddie" cereal, eating only the healthy kind. When I was pregnant, I ventured out on a trip to Wally-World with one thing in mind,Alphabits, bought it, went back to work and started feeding the face...boy was I surprised to find that Post changed the ingredients to whole grain minus the sugar (something about being healthier)... let me tell you what... there is one thing to learn in life... Never mess with a pregnant womans food..especially if she is craving that and that only. Since then I could never look at a box of Alphabits in the store the same.
Well this weekend I was out and about in the local Walmart and ran across Alphabits again, only to notice they changed the look of their box. After my mom convinced me that they taste like the original, I trusted her, buying a box. Mind you, I advised her if it was the same nasty healthy crap as before I would be feeding it to the kid. Immediately reaching my vehicle, I took a taste test and guess what THE ORIGINAL INGREDIENTS ARE BACK! THEY RELAUNCHED WITH A NEW LOOK AND ORIGINAL TASTE!! Im super excited and am pleased to share my discovery with all. So next time you see me in the grocery store, bet you will find a box (or two) of Alphabits in my cart.
And yes, you will be proud to know I put my selfishness to the side and shared this magnificent cereal with my daughter. Which of course she loved and asked for more.
Well this weekend I was out and about in the local Walmart and ran across Alphabits again, only to notice they changed the look of their box. After my mom convinced me that they taste like the original, I trusted her, buying a box. Mind you, I advised her if it was the same nasty healthy crap as before I would be feeding it to the kid. Immediately reaching my vehicle, I took a taste test and guess what THE ORIGINAL INGREDIENTS ARE BACK! THEY RELAUNCHED WITH A NEW LOOK AND ORIGINAL TASTE!! Im super excited and am pleased to share my discovery with all. So next time you see me in the grocery store, bet you will find a box (or two) of Alphabits in my cart.
And yes, you will be proud to know I put my selfishness to the side and shared this magnificent cereal with my daughter. Which of course she loved and asked for more.
Monday, October 6, 2008
"Shoe please"
I just wanted to share something exciting (at least for Doug and I) that happened over the weekend. Alexandra put on her own sock and shoe... and she put it on the correct foot. I was totally shocked when she called my name into the room, asking for "Help please". She had just put on one of my socks and was having difficulty putting on the other. I asked her if she put the sock on by herself and she said "Yes". After we put on her other sock I told her to go show Daddy. And she did... "Daddy, Daddy, Look Sock, Sock". Then Sunday morning she insisted having her shoes on with her pjs. We didnt want to put her shoes on because she would then want to go outside. It was too early and chilly to go out and play. We kind of ignored her requests. I think she gave up on us and decided to do it herself. She put on her right shoe on the correct foot, but having trouble with the left. Thats when she called for me asking "Shoe please". So of course I had to put it on. She also knows how to get the knots out of her shoe strings. Which surprised me as I was dealing with a triple knot on one of her tennis shoes. She completely unknotted and untied her other shoe while waiting on me.
Friday, October 3, 2008
My First Haircut/Trim
Last weekend we decided to get Alexandra's hair cut. Its still slowly growing and looks like a mullet. Its not as bad as it used to be, but Im impatiently waiting for the hair on top of her head and sides to get longer. She has natural bangs that were getting a lil long and the back of her hair was growing unevenly. We took her first thing after breakfast last Sunday to Celebrity Cuts for Kids. The morning is her best time, so we wanted to make sure she was in the best mood ever. As we are walking in, we are stopped by a screaming crying boy that is being held down by his parents while getting his hair cut. Great! Perfect! Just what Alex needs to see before she gets her first hair cut. Of course Alex being the nosey one she is, walks up to the little boy, checking him out with a very puzzled look. We were able to distract her away from him to the toys, slide and other car chairs. She was able to pick out her own movie, which of course Disneys "Cars" was chosen as its one of her favorites. She also chose the pink Barbie jeep to sit in. As she watched the movie, the stylist put on a cape with a mermaid. Alex then started whining and lightly crying, reaching for Daddy to get her out. She settled down once the movie started and she had her paci and beary. She did really well, allowing the girl to trim the back of her hair and bangs. At first the stylist wanted to put layers in her hair, but I decided against it as I want her hair all one length. Plus its already thin enough. She also allowed the girl to blow dry her hair. She picked out two hair barretts that were placed in her hair. Over all she was perfect compared to some nightmare stories I have heard (and seen). It was not a long amount of hair cut, just mainly trimmed to get everything even. Now we are hoping this might boost her hair growth (but i have heard that just a myth).
Definitely time for a trim
Waiting to leave, eating her "pish" crackers and watching cartoons.jpg)
While waiting for the screaming kid to be done, she sat in some of the chairs. I thought PaPaw would like to see his granddaughter in a tractor
She decided she wanted out, looking at Daddy and saying "Down"
Daddy keeping her entertained.
Starting to look like a girl and not a boy
Awwww pretty girl. We kept telling her how pretty she was. As she would say "Im preetty"
See the tear in her right eye? aaaawwww
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