This morning I took Alex to the dr for her 15 month appt. She weighs 26 lbs (2 less than last time). She is 31 1/2 inches tall (grown a couple since last time). She is right on schedule with her development and growth. She is in the 75-95 percentile for head size, height, weight, physical skills, talking, walking/running/ crawling up stairs, etc. She had to get shots as well. This was a surprise to me as I was told she didnt get any shots this time. Well I think Doug misunderstood because she got two shots. And I was trapped as I was the only one there. When the doctor asked Alexandra "Are you ready for your shots?" Alex replied "No." Aw, yes her reply to everything is "No". So it was perfect timing though I dont think she actually understood the question.
As the nurse came in with the shots, she asked "How does she do with shots?" And my reply "I dont do well at all... oh the patient.. she will cry a lil." I was a nervous wreck. And to make things worse, Alex didnt cry one tear, I did all the crying. I cried because she made a lil face like "Quit pinching me!" and that was it. She was such a lil trooper.. didnt cry at all, not one tear. She didnt even bleed so that means she didnt flex while getting each shot. She is such a big girl. I am so proud.
Oh and yes, I did ask about Alexandra's huge appetite and it is very normal. So Doug, to answer your question, she doesnt have a tape worm. Yuck!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
I'm a big girl now!
Alex is also starting to understand more and more of our conversations. I can ask her to pick up something and hand it to me or daddy and she will. She knows how to throw away trash, sweep with a broom, put away toys, put on lotion, count to three, say "Ready, Set, Go", understand "close the door", goes straight to her room when we tell her its time to change her diaper or clothes, understand "Go sit down" and also goes right to her bathroom when its time for a bath. She says "Cheese" and puts on a huge grin. She has also found her eyebrows and walks around with the "evil eye". It is soo cute but I just cant seem to catch it fast enough with the camera. She loves to dance as well. But she doesnt bounce around. She just stands there and moves her hips from side to side. Its adorable. She also loves to do somersaults. She will get into position standing with head touching the ground and waits for someone to push her over.
Its absolutely crazy how quickly she has caught onto the smallest things.
Alex started to give the "Evil Eye" but it turned into a smile.
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