Tomorrow will be Alexandra's first halloween. We are ssoo excited. We bought her costume about a month ago and have been impatiently waiting. I have already dressed her up and taken a few pictures. And Yes-I did tear up when I first put the costume on. She is just so darn-cute. Tomorrow night we plan to meet up with Rick, Kari and Lance to walk around the neighborhood.
Tomorrow Alex will also have her first Halloween party at daycare. Daddy has the honors to dress her up and take her tomorrow. Im so excited for her. I hope she wears her costume well.
Lastnight we carved pumpkins. We undressed Alex down to her diaper so she could "help" us. But she didnt want any part of it. She didnt care for how the guts felt and how the seeds stuck to her. She only enjoyed picking up the pieces and feeding them to Lucifer. So daddy and I finished the pumpkins by ourselves.
Tomorrow I will take lots of pics and post them for all the see.