Alex went to the dr. yesterday for a follow up appt for her ear infection. Everything is clear, no signs of infection or fluids. Definitely a plus. Though Doug and I were kinda hoping there were still some signs of an infection so we could go to the ENT and discuss tubes and possibly go through the surgery. We are just done dealing with ear infections over all. Done with all the medicines she has to take. We want to prevent any more. We have been told for her having so many ear infections we are really lucky to have a baby that is so happy all the time. Most babies cry and fuss all the time with the pain, dont sleep or eat well. She acts perfectly normal except a tug at the ear occasionally. We have been blessed over all with such a perfect baby. She rarely cried as a newborn, slept through the night at just over a month old, ate well always, got her on a routine right away, etc. Other than the one time hospital visit for that virus going around and the ear infections, she has been perfectly healthy. She is on target everytime we go to the dr for weight, height,development, skills, etc.
She is starting to get into the crawling position when sitting. We are hoping she will start crawling in a week or so. She had her first official fall off the couch. Occurred at the sitters. She didnt know Alexandra just started lunging forward and she toppled right off the couch. Got her first bruise. She said she cried for just a moment and then was fine. I know if would have happened with me around, I probably would have cried along with her.