has been a while since I updated this. I have been so busy it seems. I just havent had the time to sit down and start writing. I am up and about seeing family, working in the yard, playing with Alex, etc. Alex is now just over 6 months old. We had pictures taken a couple of weeks ago. I tell myself each time that I have a spending limit, but always seem to exceed that once I see the pictures. It is just so hard to choose only a few poses out of all the options they show you. I am getting better though. I first spent almost $300 on her 3 month pictures. This time I spent only $200. Next time for her 9 month pictures I am hoping to not spend as much.
Alex went to the dr for her 6 month shots and check up. Daddy had to take her for that. I still cant handle the shots. Her crying makes me cry. She is doing very well and in the 95 percentile for her age. She weighs now just over 19 lbs. Mommy's lil fatty. I love her fatness. Doug is still flipping out about it though. He thinks she will be a fat kid since she is a fat baby. Everyone, including myself, keep telling him that it is very normal for her to be fat. She will lose some once she becomes more mobile. Also its just not normal to have a skinny baby... well I think it isnt. Fat babies are so much cuter. I was very fat as a baby. But got very very skinny because I was so active. The only reason Im thick now is because I let myself go once I got a sit down job. I wasnt as active. Doug doenst want her to be a fat kid because he was. He knows it was hard for him and would be even harder for a girl.
This past weekend (memorial day) we didnt do a lot. We had planned to camp and boat on Lake Monroe. But lovely Indiana weather brought in the rain. So we stayed home. It was nice just to relax. I took off on Tuesday making my weekend extra long. I ended taking Alex back to the dr because she is still tugging on her ear. She has her 4th ear infection. Im done. Absolutely done. She is on a third medicine that is stronger. This time her eyes are gross and gooky. The infection has her all clogged up. In two weeks she will f/u w/ the dr. If its not better we talk about tubes. I cannot stand to see my daughter go through this. I am ready for tubes for her, done with the medicines, done with the congestion and colds.
For having her 4th ear infection she is doing so good, still in a great happy mood, laughing and giggling. Dr said she should start to move around more, start pulling herself up on things, rolling over more, possibly crawling. She doesnt like tummy time but we tend to make her do it so she can get more arm and leg strength. She is rolling over and stands well while hanging onto something. She is saying Da-da and ma-ma more often. We are now trying to teach her Bubby (Lucifers nickname). She is almost saying daddy. We are making it a point to call each other mommy and daddy now to help her learn. Last night when I asked where daddy was she would look around for Doug and smile real big when she found him. When she is upset she is saying ma-ma. She is soo cute when she whispers Da-Da. She has two teeth coming in on the bottom. One right next to the other. Some people think she will be the kind of baby that gets teeth all right away. I guess some babies take longer to get in teeth than others. Hopefully they all come in and no waiting in between each one. She tends to get fussy when she teeths.